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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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vasm 1.8j released

Published 09.01.2021 - 13:16 by AndreasM

vasm released in the Version 1.8j.

vasm is a portable and retargetable assembler to create linkable objects in various formats or absolute code. Multiple CPU-, syntax and output-modules can be selected.

Many common directives/pseudo-opcodes are supported (depending on the syntax module) as well as CPU-specific extensions.

The assembler supports optimizations (e.g. choosing the shortest possible branch instruction or addressing mode) and relaxations (e.g. converting a branch to an absolute jump when necessary).

Most syntax modules support macros, include directives, repetitions, conditional assembly and local symbols.


* New CPU backend for the PDP-11 architecture.
* Fixed alignments in relocated-org blocks within a section.
* 6809: 16-bit branch with a negative distance of 127 bytes (-130 encoded) was erroneously optimized to 8-bit branch (-129 encoded). Fixed.
* 6809: .dpage directive conflicts with .dpage section in std-syntax and was renamed to .direct.
* 6809: Support label differences in immediate addressing modes, which generate a pc-relative relocation.
* m68k: Fixed inappropriate cpu-type errors, when using directives or macros starting with "mc", "mcf" or "ac".
* m68k: Illegal opcode extensions should also be reported in Devpac- compatibility mode. Illegal opcode extensions for unsized instructions are still ignored with -devpac.
* mot-syntax: pushsection and popsection directives.
* mot-syntax: msource directive to control source level debugging within a macro (submitted by Soren Hannibal).
* mot-syntax: if1, if2, ifp1 directives for compatibility with a warning.
* oldstyle-syntax: org $addr works again for Z80.

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