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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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RedPill 0.9.12 Beta released

Published 31.07.2022 - 12:39 by AndreasM

RedPill released in the Version 0.9.12 Beta.

What it is:

-A tool to empower people to create many games for Amiga without programming knowledge.
-Easy to use and at the same time allow to do complex things.
-More a toy to play with than a professional tool, not having thousands of features but instead have few features that work very well.
-Allows people to create 2D games with the true Amiga feeling!
-It is free.
-It is still in development.


-Bad Ninjas game is now included in the projects folder by courtesy of Ricky Place.
-Hud refresh speed can be set in the HUD screen.
-Added action trigger Reset Vars that allows to reset a range of variables to its initial value.
-In HUD screen the background image can now be edited or deleted.
-When editing a trigger if it instantiates something it will show the instantiated object in position in the preview screen.
-Switched to Amiblitz 3.9.4 compiler.
-Less strict asset processing when Building a game.
-Improved compatibility with old game projects.
-Improved calculation when setting Line Width now allows bigger maps.
-Fix for objects of type Shot not being automatically destroyed.
-Fix for compressed 16 sprite backgrounds not showing properly.
-Fix in vertical scroll leaving one empty line under certain conditions.
-Fix for some glitch in object rendering for multiscreen games.
-Fix for camera centering when using smaller displays.
-Fix for spritesheet screen always asking about palette reload even if it was the same.
-Small optimizations.

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