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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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Published 30.11.2007 - 11:18 by AndreasM


Michal Schulz has made the miracle, and a whole new chapter in AROS history begins. Starting from today, you can grab the 64 bit native flavour of AROS from our website. This new version is obviously more advanced than the usual one, and has limited memory protection and GRUB loading modules. A initial wall for 4 GB of RAM will be removed as soon as proper MMU handling is done. In order to run the 64 bit native version of AROS a 64-bit x86 processor like AMD Athlon 64s or latest Intel Core2s is needed.


A new AROS distribution has born. VmwAROS is a pre-installed and pre-configured AROS environment for VMware, compatible with Windows and Linux versions of VMware Player, Server and Workstation (v5 or 6). This distribuion is still far from being complete, however a initial beta has been realeased for everyone daring to download and test it. VmwAROS targets everyday's users and coders, and anyone interested in trying AROS, but don't want to jeopardize the data on their hard drive. Click here for more.

Other news

Aros-Exec's user Fishy_fis has announced a new AROS distribution called Velocity. An initial beta should be released soon. "Velocity will come initially in both a live booting installable CD and a VMWare hard disk image and contains considerably more (and custom configured) software than the nightly build ISOs". Screenshots are included.

Robert Norris is working on an AROS browser based on Webkit, called Traveller. While working on it, he has updated lots of AROS libraries and already ported some useful pieces of code, like libxml2, cURL, OpenSSL, SQLite and more. Some informations in his blog.

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