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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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Published 02.10.2007 - 11:33 by AndreasM

Breaking News! Neil Cafferkey has commited a brand new installer for AROS, allowing a cleaner and safer installation on hard disks. New features are the following:
  • Installation drive and partitions can now be specified.
  • Creation of Work partition now works.
  • Partition sizes can now be specified and existing partitions can be preserved.
  • Windows now added to GRUB boot menu if a likely Windows system partition is found
Please notice, however, that this is still beta software. Here are some warnings from Neil: "The new HD installer is now included on the nightly ISO and is ready for testing. However, there's currently a bug in either Wanderer or FFS that needs to be worked around. After startng the installer, you need to quit Wanderer before continuing (unless you're not going to format any partitions). Be even more careful than usual with this version of the installer, ie. don't expose a machine with unbacked-up valuable data to it. It should preserve all existing partitions if requested, but no one has tested this so far besides me."

If you have a test machine with no important data on it, you'd be very smart downloading 10-01 nightly build (or later) and help us finding bugs. You may use the Bug Tracker or post a message in this AROS-Exec discussion.

Demonstrating AROS

As previously anticipated on this website, AROS has been a guest star of Pianeta Amiga 2007. During the popular Amiga show, Paolo Besser has presented AROS to a niche of interested Amiga fellows. The event has been anticipated by some important IT news sites like TGM Online and HW Upgrade. A report of the show has been published by The AROS Show (read it here) You may also see a nice video on YouTube.

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