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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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New WookieChat Beta online

Published 17.06.2007 - 09:22 by AndreasM

A new Betaversion from WookieChat for Classic Amiga, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS are online.


- If you are unable to connect to a server, it will now give an error
message, and will no longer consume all CPU time until tab is closed
- If an IRC network provides no NETWORK=networkname parameter upon
connection, WookieChat uses the server name for the name of the root
tab. Now I've changed it to use the group name specified in your
Server Selection window instead.
- All the shell switches documented in "power_users.txt" can now be
used in Wookies icon tooltypes. E.g. "ABOUTGFX=TRUE". (This will put
graphics in the About window for OS3 users, provided you have the
gif and png datatypes installed)
- Tried to fix "never ending" reconnection when a server keeps kicking
you off. I dont reset the "number of retrys" variable until after you
succesfully connect and register now. So if a server is continually
kicking you off, it will reach the maximum amount of retrys instead of
being reset every connection.
- Tried to bugfix the changing between "button style" tabs and "list view"
tabs. This bug was actually preventing WookieChat from starting for at
least one os3 and another os4 user.

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