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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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Poseidon Update erschienen

Published 16.08.2002 - 15:42 by AndreasM

Poseidon ist in der Version 1.26 erschienen.

  • Mass storage fixed and extended.
  • New USB Modem class.
  • UPAR printer mountlist included.

poseidon.library 1.26

o On USB devices with multiple configurations, only the first one was read due to me thinking that I would get all configurations automatically. This is now fixed. Hey, it was the first time I came across a device with multiple configs, so I couldn't test the code before.

massstorage.class 1.11

o Added information messages on mounting (after three attempts :) ).
o Mounting now again uses lowcyl = 0. But therefore, detection of an already mounted partition has been reduced to unit, device and dostype. This means that no multiple partitions on a harddisk will be mounted, but only the first one. I hope this is not a problem for most of you. (thanks to Jens & Jean-François).
o After mounting, a diskchange signal was sent. This is now fixed (thanks to Jens).
o Added NSD and TD64 support. This means you now can uses harddisks >4GB.

serialpl2303.class 1.3

o Fixed buffer management. Added EOF mode.

cdcacm.class 1.2

o Initial. Should support state reporting and EOF mode.

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