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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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vbcc 0.9g release

Published 05.10.2019 - 01:04 by HelmutH

04.10.2019 vbcc 0.9g release

Changes since last release:
Implemented hash table with a default size of 1000. Can be controlled by -hash-size=.
Fixed bug with recursive struct definitions.
Fixed bug with C99 designated initializers.
Fixed C99 initializations of const objects.
Fixed bug with mixed dynamic initializations.
Fixed bug with partially initialized structs (C99).
Addded __noinline attribute.
m68k: General improvements of code generation.
m68k: Use ASR-sequence for signed division with a power of two.
m68k: Fixed peephole bug.
m68k: New attribute __fp0ret, to force float-return in fp0, disregarding a -no-fp-return option.
m68k: Fixed bug with unsigned short array indexes > 32767.
m68k: Allow 16-bit multiplication.
m68k: Fix for possible register clobbering in PUSH loops going up.
m68k: Avoid using the same reqister for Dr:Dq in DIV?L.L instructions.
m68k: Fixed pointer differences in 16-bit int backend (vbccm68ks).
m68k: Fixed bug with shiftisdiv on big-endian hosts.
PPC: Optimized memcmp() in vclib and as assembler-inline.
vclib: Fixed snprintf() and vsnprintf() for sizes exactly matching the source.
vclib atari: Made gem.h compile without warning in ANSI/C89 mode.
vclib kick13: Support for 16-bit int. New config files.
vclib kick13: Workaround for IEEE single to double precision conversion in mathieeedoubtrans.library.
Fixed some kick13 clib headers.

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