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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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New HOL Uploads

Published 21.03.2020 - 12:36 by AndreasM

The Hall of Light is the largest database for Amiga games.

There you can find game screenshots, scans of packaging, level images, cheats, system requirements, programmers, publishers, and so much more.

Bad Cat - Upload 1 Double Barrel Screenshot picture - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Update the Screenshot comments - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Upload 3 Screenshot pictures - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Upload 2 Screenshot pictures - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Upload 12 Screenshot pictures - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Upload 4 Screenshot pictures - OCS - 1987
Street Cat - Update the game page - OCS - 1988
Street Cat - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1988
Street Cat - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1988
Bad Cat - Update the game page - OCS - 1987
SportTime Ten Pin Bowling - Update the game page - Coin-Op - Arcadia - 1988
Indoor Sports: Volume 1 / SportTime Superstar Indoor Sports - Update the game page - OCS - 1987
Down At The Trolls / Realm Of The Trolls - Upload 1 Sprite screenshot picture - OCS - 1988
Bad Cat - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Upload 1 Game manual - OCS - 1987
Bad Cat - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1987
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Update the game page - ECS, OCS - 1992
John McLaughlin - Update the artist page
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Update the Game manual comments - ECS, OCS - 1992
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Update the Misc screenshot comments - ECS, OCS - 1992
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Update the Disk scan comments - ECS, OCS - 1992
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Update the Box scan comments - ECS, OCS - 1992
Nicola Sedgwick - Update the artist page
Nicola Sedgwick - Upload 2 Artist photo pictures
North & South - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1989
North & South - Upload 4 Game manual - OCS - 1989
Kult: The Temple Of Flying Saucers - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1989
Kult: The Temple Of Flying Saucers - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1989
Kult: The Temple Of Flying Saucers - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1989
Kult: The Temple Of Flying Saucers - Upload 3 Game manual - OCS - 1989
Grid Runner (Llamasoft) / Super Grid Runner - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1989
Grid Runner (Llamasoft) / Super Grid Runner - Upload 1 Game manual - OCS - 1989
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Update the Game manual comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Upload 1 Game manual - ECS, OCS - 1990
Colorado - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1990
Colorado - Upload 1 Game manual - OCS - 1990
Colorado - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1990
Colorado - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1990
Backlash - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1988
Backlash - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1988
Backlash - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1988
Maya / Fetiche Maya, Le - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1989
Maya / Fetiche Maya, Le - Upload 1 Game manual - OCS - 1989
Sherman-M4 - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1989
Sherman-M4 - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1989
Sherman-M4 - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1989
Sherman-M4 - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Sherman-M4 - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
S.D.I. (Cinemaware) - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1987
S.D.I. (Cinemaware) - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1987
S.D.I. (Cinemaware) - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1987
S.D.I. (Cinemaware) - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1987
S.D.I. (Cinemaware) - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1987
Rotor - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Rotor - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Safari Guns / On Safari - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Safari Guns / On Safari - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
North & South - Update the game page - OCS - 1989
North & South - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1989
North & South - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1989
North & South - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
North & South - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Maya / Fetiche Maya, Le - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1989
Maya / Fetiche Maya, Le - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1989
Maya / Fetiche Maya, Le - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Maya / Fetiche Maya, Le - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Impact! - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1987
Kult: The Temple Of Flying Saucers - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Kult: The Temple Of Flying Saucers - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Hostages - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1988
Hostages - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1988
Hostages - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1988
Hostages - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1988
Impact! - Update the Disk scan comments - OCS - 1987
Impact! - Update the Box scan comments - OCS - 1987
Impact! - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1987
Impact! - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1987
Grid Runner (Llamasoft) / Super Grid Runner - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Grid Runner (Llamasoft) / Super Grid Runner - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Update the game page - ECS, OCS - 1990
Graham Humphries - Create one new artist page
Peter Wilkinson - Update the artist page
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Update the Misc screenshot comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - ECS, OCS - 1990
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Update the Disk scan comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge - Update the Box scan comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Eliminator - Update the game page - OCS - 1988
Eliminator - Update the Research screenshot comments - OCS - 1988
Eliminator - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1988
Eliminator - Upload 1 Game manual - OCS - 1988
Eliminator - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1988
Eliminator - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1988
Cosmic Pirate - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Cosmic Pirate - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Targhan - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1989
Colorado - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1990
Backlash - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1988
Backlash - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1988
Colorado - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1990
Rygar: Legendary Warrior - Update the cheatcode - AGA - 2019
Rygar: Legendary Warrior - Create one new cheatcode - AGA - 2019
Rygar: Legendary Warrior - Remove the cheatcode - AGA - 2019
Tiger's Bane / Flying Tigers - Update the game page - ECS, OCS - 1997
Galactic Empire - Update the Research screenshot comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Galactic Empire - Update the game page - ECS, OCS - 1990
Galactic Empire - Update the Box scan comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Frédéric Chauvelot - Update the artist page
Galactic Empire - Update the Misc screenshot comments - ECS, OCS - 1990
Targhan - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1989
Targhan - Update the game page - OCS - 1989
Targhan - Upload 2 Misc screenshot pictures - OCS - 1989
Ultra Violent Worlds - Update the game page - AGA, AmigaCD - 1998
Alive Mediasoft - Update the publisher page
Ultra Violent Worlds - Update the Box scan comments - AGA, AmigaCD - 1998
Ultra Violent Worlds - Update the Disk scan comments - AGA, AmigaCD - 1998
Vorlon - Update the publisher page
Space Station 3000 - Update the game page - AGA, AmigaCD, RTG
Monkey Business - Update the game page - OCS - 1985
World Games - Update the game page - OCS - 1987
World Games - Update the Game manual comments - OCS - 1987
World Games - Upload 1 Game manual - OCS - 1987
World Games - Update the Misc screenshot comments - OCS - 1987
World Games - Upload 1 Misc screenshot picture - OCS - 1987
News URL:
News Source: Hall of Light
News Source URL:
News posted by: AndreasM

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