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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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Scorpion Engine 2022.8 released

Published 20.01.2023 - 21:13 by AndreasM

Scorpion Engine released in the VErsion 2022.8.


New game sample: "Elf Spirit Hunters"
Sprite sheet importer includes scaling function inspired by the RotSprite algorithm
Integration with Tiled's "template" system in order to allow actors to be placed at exact pixel-perfect coordinates (as well as to allow VARs to be set per actor on the map itself)
New "asset bundles" system allows you to be very granular about which sound effects and animations are in memory at any one time
Removed all limitations on screen width, allowing 320x wide games to be possible
New "cartridge" file structure merges the many previously output files into a single file
New "debug mode" feature allows for stepping through codeblocks at real time line by line during gameplay
New "Maryo", "Sonyc" and "Jetpack" movement types allowing for improved platformer game control
Support for the "Endrun" utility for freeing additional memory on the A500 Amiga.
Anim5 support has been substantially improved, and a new demo has been included for that.
Map format has been improved so there's no longer a hard limit of 256 foreground tiles or animated tiles, and memory requirements have been dropped from six bytes per tile to five.
A set of new math functions focusing on trigonometry purposes
Sundry bug fixes and performance enhancements

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