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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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RedPill 0.9.17 Beta released

Published 11.03.2023 - 12:53 by AndreasM

RedPill released in the Version 0.9.17 Beta.

What it is

-A tool to empower people to create many games for Amiga without programming knowledge.
-Easy to use and at the same time allow to do complex things.
-More a toy to play with than a professional tool, not having thousands of features but instead have few features that work very well.
-Allows people to create 2D games with the true Amiga feeling!
-It is free.
-It is still in development.


-Memory usage has been optimized
-Added action trigger FX Value to activate/deactive the FX layer and choose the effect to use.
-Added action trigger FX Mask to set the color mask the FX layer will use.
-Added a trigger "Z from Father" to allow instantiated objects get this value from their instantiator.
-Added condition trigger Collision Count to count the colliding objects.
-Added condition trigger To All colls to execute a trigger to all colliding objects.
-Disco project has been added to show the usage of the new FX triggers.
-Game objects rendering routine has been optimized.
-When editing an Instantiate trigger it now shows the collision box besides the graphic.
-Change in Ser Var RND trigger when using a True/False value.
-Game startup has been changed as the compressor makes CLI parameters useless.
-General optimization in the game player to make its size smaller and use less memory footprint.
-Vertical object clipping has been improved.
-Replicating some code to get some extra speed.
-Improved documentation, still WIP.
-Shlinker compressor updated to 4.7.
-App icon updated.
-More information is given when building the project.
-Fix for saving project not showing the requester window.
-Fix in autoslice routine.
-Fixes in the animation screen.

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