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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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SQLMan database manager updated

Published 08.05.2016 - 08:17 by AndreasM

SQLite Manager updated to V0.4

Download OS4, MOS, OS3.1, Aros version from Aminet.

It is still alpha, so feature requests, bug reports are welcome!

This application based on the SQLite database engine and lets you create, view and modify databases. The database handling can happen via the GUI or there is an SQL command shell to serve any needs. There is a preliminary support for open xml spreadsheet files which can be converted to databases and even to native Amiga spreadsheets.

V0.4 add DBF file import module, improve greatly XLSX import and contains several minor changes and bugfixes.


add: Load sql file switch to the console page on the register
fix: edit buttons do not crash when no table is created/loaded
fix: sql query string do sanity checks
add: xlsx import, new table import mode where field names created from the header (first row) of the table
fix: non ASCII field names are handled now
add: DBase file import plugin
fix: xlsx import improved (empty string, single/double quotes handling)
fix: added non breaking space for UTF to Latin conversion 0xC2A0 -> 0x20
fix: Changed multiple menuitem shortcuts (Reported by: Stefan A. Haubenthal)
add: Help key opens the AmigaGuide documentation (Requested by: Stefan A. Haubenthal)
add: Handling attempt to open corrupt databases (Reported by: Stefan A. Haubenthal)
fix: Missed clearing listviews when opening new database
fix: Installer script did not copy all icons
fix: dump all created malformed 'insert into' lines
fix: clear lists after execute to prevent mismatched data displayed in the lists
fix: correct double quotes handling in dumped list " -> ""


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