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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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AmiUpdate 2.47 released

Published 31.12.2019 - 20:34 by AndreasM

AmiUpdate released in the Version 2.47.


- If updates were found after scanning when iconified, the main update list was unavailable
until a manual scan was performed again. Fixes #144. Thanks to Raziel for the report.

- System wide changes to support a separate directory to save downloaded archives into.

Prefs 53.13 (26.12.2019)
o When using a custom screen, the screen was not closed after the preferences editor was
closed. Fixed. Thanks to Janne Peraaho for the report.
o The "About" requester always appeared on the Workbench screen even if the editor was using
its own screen.
o The list of servers is now able to be rearranged changing the order of servers to check.
Thanks to Valiant for the idea.
o The directory that downloaded archives are saved to can now be a separate directory to
the "working" directory (noramlly "RAM:Unpacked").
o When exiting out of the "Edit Server" window, the status of the current "Self-Update"
server was set incorrectly. Fixes #150.

update.library 53.17 (26.12.2019)
o Changed the internal structure of the preferences to allow for the new path to store
o Changed the internal structure of the "prefs" to be a bit more conservative with memory.

- Even though the Self-update server is now configurable, the download location for the
update archive was still hard-coded to the troublesome "" domain. Now fixed
to use a relative path of the chosen server from the prefs.

update.library 53.18 (29.12.2019)
o For some reason, the function to write to the log was causing problems, which still is
not apparent why, but at least after quite a few clean compiles, seems to work OK again.

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