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The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.

The Amiga Future 168 will be released on the 5th May.
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ADF-Copy 1.001 released

Published 23.04.2019 - 10:12 by AndreasM

ADF-Copy/Drive Frontend released in the Version 1.001 for Windows.

New Features

* Compare - reads the disk in the drive and compares it to an adf-file on your harddrive.
* Format - formats the disk in the drive in OFS, quickformat is available
* AutoFormat - does the same, but like autorip it prompts you to change the disk and continues formating disks until you hit Abort.
* Diskinfo - reads the Boot & Rootblock and displays infos and the used blocks bitmap
* Settings - allows you to edit the timing parameters of adf-drive to compensate for problems with older drives. requires some knowledge about floppy drives, but you can always restore to default settings.

ADF-Drive Firmware v1.001

New Features:

* Saving settings in EEPROM, timings for the drive can be adjusted and saved.
* Several bugfixed and new functions for the updated frontend.
* This firmware works with ADF-Copy PCB v3 & v4 and the breadboard layout.

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